
Welcome to Reception. Here we love to learn through play. We follow a child centred approach through planning in the moment. In Reception we have lots of opportunities to play inside and outside where we can learn and explore in a fun environment. In Reception we follow 3 main rules; we take care of ourselves, we take care of others, we take care of our school.

In Miss Meaney’s Class (RM) we are the Perfect Parrots! We sing our class song proudly:

(to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)

We are Parrots, yes we are,

Perfect Parrots we’ll fly far.

Oh so bright and colourful,

We think learning is so fun.

We are Parrots, yes we are,

Perfect Parrots, we’ll fly far.


In Mrs Conway’s class (RC) we are the Wise and Wonderful Wombats. Our class song is:

Hey hey we’re the wombats,

we really like to play.

We are wonderful learners,

we learn all through the dayyy.

Hey hey we’re the wombats,

we learn to count and read.

We are good at writing,

we’re working to exceeeed.

Hey hey we’re the wombats.

(air punch)

Meet the staff

Mrs Conway – RC Teacher

Miss Meaney – RM Teacher

Miss Smith – TA

Mrs Gregorio – TA

Miss Miller – TA

Our Classrooms

Our new outdoor areas

We have now had our outdoor areas revamped! We have lots of fun climbing equipment where we can develop our gross motor skills, climbing, jumping, hanging and sliding. We’ve been having so much fun! We have new balancing beams and wobbly bridges where we have been practising our balancing skills and thinking carefully about safety and managing our own risks. We’ve been exploring capacity and how things work using our new water area where we can fill and empty different compartments, make water wheels move and watch how the water travels along the different tunnels. Our new outdoor painting easel has been great fun. We love to paint different pictures, letters, numbers and explore that happens when we mix the colours. We are able to play imaginatively and have lots of messy fun creating culinary delights in our new mud kitchen.

Key information

On Monday’s reading books go home. We ask that you read at least 3 times a week with your child and record this in their red reading diaries. All those reading three times a week or more will get their name on the star and will receive a home learning dojo.

EYFS fund is £1 a week and is collected on a Monday or you can pay per term.

On Friday’s we collect in reading book bags and new reading books will be sent out on a Monday.

We ask that all children always have a labelled set of spare clothes in a bag in school and a labelled water bottle which goes home every night to be refreshed.

As we access outdoors in all weathers, we ask that children have labelled wellies and a water suit in school so that we can have lots of wet and messy play outside.

Reception Long Term Goals

         Cadishead Primary School                   

EYFS Long Term Goals





To become a ‘Confident Carer’ who


•Plays cooperatively; patiently taking turns with others and is a kind and respectful friend.


• Is focused and follows instructions and knows and follows our school rules.


• Is resilient and persevering; confidently trying new challenges.




To become a ‘Considerate Communicator’ who


• Is a great listener, learning and using new vocabulary in back and forth conversations; asking questions and describing in detail.

• Listens to and joins in with stories, non-fiction books, rhymes, poems and songs.

• Expresses their ideas and feelings using full sentences, various tenses and conjunctions.

• Uses talk to help work out problems and to explain how things work and why they might happen.


PD Gross Motor / Outdoor


To become a ‘Marvellous Mover ’ who can


Develop the overall body and core strength, co-ordination, balance and agility, needed to engage successfully with future physical education sessions and other physical disciplines.


• revise and refine fundamental movement skills that they have already acquired; developing control, grace and fluency.


Confidently and safely use a range of large and small apparatus indoors and outside, including balls, alone and in a group.


Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others.


PD Fine Motor/Writing Skills


To become a ‘Mark Making Magician’ who can


·         effectively hold a pencil for drawing and begin to show accuracy and care

·         Hold a pencil in a tripod grip effectively for writing using our handwriting rhymes to help form letters quickly, accurately and efficiently.

·         Use paintbrushes, scissors, knives, forks and spoons competently, safely and confidently.




To become a ‘Phonics Fanatic’ who


·         Can write using correctly formed letters (most of the time), spelling words by representing sounds with letter(s) in order to write simple sentences or phrases that make sense, and can be read by themselves or others.



To become a ‘Rich Reader’


·         says the sounds of individual letters and letter groups and blend them to confidently and fluently read words, phrases and sentences, along with common exception words using our phonetically decodable books.


·         shows understanding of what has been read to them through discussions about stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems and during role play and by retelling stories and narratives using their own words and recently introduced vocabulary, anticipating key events in stories,



To become a ‘Marvellous Mathematician’ who


Explores number by:

• Comparing, subitising and counting objects, actions and sounds.

• Linking numeral and value and understanding ‘one more than/one less than’ relationships.

• Exploring the composition and number bonds of numbers to 10 and counting orally beyond 20.

• Exploring and representing patterns within numbers up to 10, including evens and odds, double facts and how quantities can be distributed equally.


Explores shape, pattern and measurement by:

• Composing, decomposing, selecting, rotating and manipulating shapes.

• Continuing, copying and creating repeating patterns.

• Compare length, weight and capacity.




To become an ‘Inquisitive Investigator’ who


• Talks about members of their immediate family and community and their roles in society.

• Knows some similarities and differences between different religious and cultural communities in this country.

• Recognises some similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries as well as drawing information from a simple map.

• Knows some similarities and differences between things in the past and now.

• Understands the effect of changing seasons on the natural world around them by exploring the natural world around them and describing what they see, hear and feel whilst outside.


Art & Design


To become a ‘Imaginative Artist’ who


• Safely uses and explores a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function to express their ideas and feelings.


• Creates collaboratively, sharing ideas, resources and skills, then shares their creations, explaining the process they have used.


• Returns to and builds on their previous learning, refining ideas and developing their ability to represent them.


• Develops storylines in their pretend play by making use of props and materials.

Music & Dance


To become a  ‘Expressive Performer’ who


• Listens attentively, talking about music, dance and performance art, expressing their feelings and responses.

• Explores and engages in music making, song and dance, performing solo or in groups; increasingly matching the pitch and following the melody as well as moving in time to the music.





